The benefits of a Nest Pro Thermostat
Posted on 23rd November 2022 at 16:23
It is likely that many of you will have heard of smart metres by now, and if you have, then you’ve most likely heard of a nest system. Whether you’ve considered having one installed in your own home or just know of a friend who uses one, we can agree that they are becoming very popular throughout households.
Because of this, we thought it would be useful to put together some useful information on what it is and how it benefits you.

What is a smart thermostat?
A smart thermostat has many more useful elements to it than just a control panel for your heating. They are equipped with sensors and algorithms to help them suit your unique requirements. You can even control them from your mobile phone or smart device.
What are the benefits?
1. Saving Money
By using a smart thermostat like a Nest Pro, this allows you to be able to create a schedule across the different temperature zones within your home. For example, if you only sit in your living room in the evenings, you can schedule the heating to only turn on after 5pm. Because of this, a Nest Pro can save you an estimate of 10-12% on your heating bill.
2. Movement Sensors
A Nest Pro can be equipped with sensors that will detect when there’s movement in the house. This allows it to monitor when your household is active in the home and makes scheduling for your heating much easier.
3. Smart Learning
By utilising movement sensors with the Nest Pro, the thermostat will ‘learn’ and remember what time in the day people are most active. This means it can then adapt the schedule more effectively and therefore save you money. It also means you will return home to a warm and cosy house after a busy day at work.
4. Phone App
By utilising movement sensors with the Nest Pro, the thermostat will ‘learn’ and remember what time in the day people are most active. This means it can then adapt the schedule more effectively and therefore save you money. It also means you will return home to a warm and cosy house after a busy day at work.
5. Safety
If you’re away for a long weekend or a holiday, the Nest Pro provides some key safety features while you’re gone. For example, if there’s a sudden drop in temperature within the house, you will receive a warning straight to your phone alerting you on how to avoid a burst pipe.
Nest Protect also provides Co2 detectors which can also be installed within your home. These will automatically shut down your heating system and alert you if there’s a rise in Co2.
For more information on Nest Pro and installation, give us a call today on 07879 440524, or complete a contact form.
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